Dear Diary · Feelings


blogging. To vent. To sigh. To share.

People typically blog to share. To inform, celebrate and announce to others about their experience, their thoughts and the other things they have-to give.

Me? I blog to vent. I blog to let out. I don’t care if nobody reads this but the very act of writing it out, the act of putting it out- out in the open, unknown world. Knowing that this act is my part of “sharing”. That I too “share”; can share.

This feeling is fine, enough for now. The knowing that I’m venting out my frustrations, my ranting to a Mr Nobody- that is enough. Honestly.

Although, I have to admit, when I share my poems, its different. That aspect is my secret hope-of being appreciated, being admired, having something of substance, and again, venting.

March 31 2019


Dear Diary · Feelings

In line…

All the things I wanted 
None of those I got
All the things I dreaded
I’m still in line for those…

21 Jan 2018
©Sherin 2018

Dear Diary · Feelings

Options of a Single Spinster

Being a single person in her 30s is hard. Especially in a conservative and stereotypical setting.

One starts doubting and questioning self. Was staying single worth it? Should I just get married? But is all this compromise really going to be worth it..? Will my “i do” really be the best solution to life’s travails?

Dear Diary · Feelings

Being Strong is weak

And even if they do ask, your cynical self says “I’m ok” – because you ask yourself if they really mean it(?). Does your answer matter to them at all? Being strong is lonely, being strong is painful.

Dear Diary


We, all of us are busy living our own life to get a good look at another’s. And sadly its completely understandable. Because if one doesn’t look out for oneself who will?

Its just the way life has become. Its just WHO we have become.

Yes, even we the so-called “believers”. We don’t put others before us. How then can we with any honesty claim to put Christ above all?

Dear Diary · Feelings

Falling in Love?!!

You’re looking good? Have you lost weight? You’re looking taller too!
Lost weight? Looking taller? Nothing at all!!

But you’re looking great! Fallen in love?
Love! I’m completely out of love… ‘I’ll never fall in love again!’

Mental PS to myself- 😉 lol!!

Dear Diary

Faking Is Tough


Posted from WordPress for Android

Dear Diary · Feelings

Happy New Year

Had started with a load of “positive thoughts”.
Crashed on the first day itself!
Despair n heartaches
Just another year to live & exist

Happy New Year to me!


Dear Diary

Time Out!

I need a time out. I need a break.
But life seldom is sypathetic enough to afford us one. Rather it rushes on and sweeps you off.
Time out? A break” ? What is that?!!” That’s the reply you get when you need to just pause and reflect.